These are a few qualities I try to maintain in my yard. They are mysterious and you may have doubts about them, like the Bible.
Avoid untargetted, unspecific ecological, soil-involved, chemical, or climatic changes in your house and yard.
Don't move dirt, or objects like logs or stones covering its surface that you don't need to. This probably affects the bugs a lot, but also the moisture and makeup of the soil. This also affects the air a lot, as different gasses are released when you move these things, and temperature mixing is only appropriate when it is specifically targetted at helping something.
If you have a grass lawn, mow it once every two weeks or less. Better not to use the fuel, it does wonders for bugs, and gives the lawn a chance to seed itself more thoroughly.
In the Fall and Spring, let tree leaves stay in the yard. If they are too thick, run them over with a mower when mowing, but then leave the pieces on the ground. Many bugs (e.g., bumble bees) shelter under leaves in your yard over winter. It also preserves more nutrients when the leaves are mulched into your ground again, and takes that stress off manufacturing elsewhere.
If your dirt is dirty, pick through it for small plastics and rocks. My yard had another building on it, some of which was sunk into the ground when it was demolished. You don't need spare brick or concrete, glass, plastic, or metal in your ground. You could simply have the topsoil replaced, but you could also redeem that stupid soil over your lifetime by planting in it and picking at it.